Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Smokjoy Air 50 - Plus Givaway!!!

Stealth Vaping At Its Finest
link - http://shrsl.com/?eyn7
Product link - http://shrsl.com/?eyn8

*Small print for the giveaway - 2 of these was sent to me from GearBest to review and do a giveaway, Which was very nice of them - I do not get paid by Gearbest or work for them at all. For the giveaway i ask you to go to there website to pick your wishlist item and add it in the comments - how i see it is, they have provided an item for me to giveaway i send them some traffic and everyone is a winner - No cash has changed hands

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing, I HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID TO REVIEW AN ITEM. Some links in my videos may have affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

SMOK ALIEN 220W Mod Kit - Review

Get The SMOK ALIEN 220 Mod Kit at http://shrsl.com/?ewl4

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing. Some links in my videos may be affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

IJOY Limitless XL Tank/RTA - Pretty Special

You can check it out here - http://shrsl.com/?er77
Crazy Super Deals GearBest 11/11 promotion http://shrsl.com/?eqlc

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing. Some links in my videos may be affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you

Friday, 4 November 2016

IJOY Limitless LMC 200W TC Box Mod - Review

You can check it out here - http://shrsl.com/?eqku
Crazy Super Deals GearBest 11/11 promotion http://shrsl.com/?eqlc

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing. Some links in my videos may be affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you.

DigiFlavor Lynx RDA - Review

You can check it out here - http://www.heavengifts.com/

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing. Some links in my videos may be affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you.

Freemax Starre Pure - Review

You can check it out here - http://www.heavengifts.com/

Please like my podcast Facebook Page!

If you would like your products reviewed contact me
BUSINESS INQUIRIES  - Contact me - thegreenwinch@gmail.com

These videos are my opinions. Most of the products I have received at no charge for the purpose of reviewing. Some links in my videos may be affiliate links where I get a very small bit of coinage which goes to support the channel and upgrade equipment. There is NEVER any extra charge to you.